SIGHTINGS of rat poison laced along the paths of a popular Warrington park have been addressed.

A resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported sighting rat poison that had been ‘distributed all over’ Peel Hall Park, in Fearnhead, recently.

The poison that was allegedly seen was similar to the poison ‘pink pellets’ that were reported by Birchwood residents in public spaces over the area of Gorse Covert last January.

A resident said: “Rat poison was distributed all over the park, on the paths, mixed with some sort of bird feed. It's the same poison as used in Birchwood.”

In previous instances in January 2023, when the same pellets were spotted in Birchwood, residents had spotted them left ‘in random areas’ and not set as a specific trap.

Concern was raised at the time by dog walkers, with warning issued not to walk dogs in the area while the pellets were still visible in the areas.

A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson addressed the new reported sightings of the substance.

They said: “The footpath network within Peel Hall has been mechanically swept to cleanse the area.

“At the time of visit last week, there was no evidence found of bird seed or pellets on the footpaths.”