AN unusual story is developing involving a church archdeacon, Creamfields music festival … and Jammie Dodgers

It comes ahead of tens of thousands of revellers descending on Daresbury later this month for the return of the electronic dance music festival.

Staged over the August bank holiday weekend from Thursday to Sunday, August 22 to 25, 70,000 festivalgoers will attend the event.

With preparations underway, archdeacon of Macclesfield Jane Proudfoot is leading a team of volunteers from Warrington churches to support attendees.

This will be the fifth year there has been an official Christian presence at Creamfields’s site to offer assistance to those in need of help, with organisers asking volunteers to return each year since 2017.

Jane is asking people to buy some Jammie Dodger biscuits so that they can be sent to festival attendees.

She said: “We help people out when they are lost and they cannot find their tent, have fallen out with their friends or just need someone to talk to.

“Some people go to festivals and end up having quite a bad time. They think it is going to solve their problems, and often it does not.

“I have bandaged up feet, we have helped people with blisters and we have given people socks to wear because they have lost their flipflops.

“We’ve done all kinds of things, and it is all because we want them to know that the Church cares, and that God loves them – and that little heart in the middle of a Jammie Dodger is a symbol of that.”

Jane is currently looking for volunteers who can commit to an eight-hour shift over the weekend.

The only requirements are that you are a church member, you enjoy meeting people and are a good listener.

If you wish to donate some Jammie Dodgers, get involved in volunteering, or simply want to find out more information, email