A MAN was left needing three operations after he was punched in the face outside of a nightclub in Warrington town centre.

James Buckley, who works at Gulliver’s World, punched his victim and continued to kick him after he fell to the floor.

The 27-year-old’s attack was described as a ‘complete overreaction’ and it was heard how the victim has lost 15kg since the incident in January.

Buckley, of Cleveland Road, Orford, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to causing grievous bodily harm without intent.

Prosecuting, Iain Criddle said the incident happened on January 31 at 2am outside of a nightclub.

He said that both men were out drinking in the town centre, but they didn’t know each other.

The incident was caught on CCTV and was played to the court.

It showed a girl kicking the victim from behind – whether it was playful or not is unknown, the court heard.

Buckley can then be seen approaching the victim and after the men exchanged words, the defendant then punched the victim in the face which knocked him to the floor.

While on the floor, Buckley then kicked the man a number of times.

He then ran off but was arrested shortly after by police officers.

It was heard how the victim was taken to Warrington Hospital but then transferred to Aintree Hospital.

Mr Criddle said that his jawline was fractured and required an operation and that he also needed a tooth removed.

In total, the victim required three operations on his jaw which took place over five months.

In a victim impact statement, it was heard how the man has lost 15kg since the incident and that he has had issues eating, still has no sensation in the left side of his jaw, and that he has been off work since January.

Buckley has no previous convictions.

Defending, Jim Smith said: “The defendant comes here today ashamed and disgusted with his actions which resulted in serious injury.”

He also said: “The background seems to suggest he is acting to try and assist a female and it appears he is told to mind his own business.”

To this, Judge Anil Murray said: “He should have not got involved, it had nothing to do with him and he knew nothing about it.”

Mr Smith told the court how his client has mental health issues and that he has now cut down on his alcohol intake almost completely.

Concluding, Judge Murray said: “You decided to get involved in what may or may not have been a problem for somebody else.

“I accept your drunken intention was probably to try and calm things down, but that is not what happened.

“It was a complete overreaction, you lost your temper and went way too far.

“It resulted in really serious injury.”

Buckley was handed a 12-month prison sentence suspended for two years.

He must also completed rehabilitation activity days and 200 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying £2,000 in compensation to the victim.