WE are almost in to August, but it looks like some summer weather has finally arrived.

So as schools break up until September and as we make the most of the current long-awaited warmer weather, we asked readers to finish a very important sentence.

“You know it’s the summer holidays in Warrington when…”

Here’s what they had to say:

You have to park on the back field at Walton Gardens.

Rick Ward

Tenpin bowling is absolutely manic.

Louise Marsden

It rains every other day.

Kenny Hayes

Settees are out in the garden.

Greg Faulkner

IKEA café is like the school dinner hall.

Isaac Howard

When the pool and barbeques come out.

Kate Kelly

The shorts come out and so do the milk bottle legs and sandals with socks.

Louise Levene

It only takes seven minutes to get to work via Bridge Foot (usually 15-20 minutes).

Alison Collins

I can get out of the road I live down first thing in the morning.

Rachael Hands

When all you hear is ‘I’m hungry’ for the 100th time in one day.

Kate Craddock

The sun finally comes out for longer than a day.

Stew Pancho Alford

It is easier getting to and from work.

Cheryl Satchwell

Everyone descends on Walton Gardens.

Shell Leah

It is cold and peeing it down but we still wear shorts because we are hard northerners.

Donna Berry

There is no traffic driving into town at 5.30pm.

Julie Richards

The food shop doubles.

Leanne Tatlock

The traffic is fine at 8.45am.

Graham Barker

The roads are a bit quieter in the morning.

Paula Harris

Picnic anyone? Walton Gardens it is.

Diane Warburton

The roads are clearer.

Debbie Ann Molyneaux

It feels like the ice cream van doesn’t know any other street but yours.

Sharon Lazarus

You can’t get out of Riverside Retail Park.

Mandy Salisbury

Primark is packed out.

Clare Sewell

Us parents are already counting the down the days back to school in September.

Christopher Graham

The slightest bit of sun and men take their tops off.

Sarah Leacy-Kelly

The Riverside Retail Park queue is twice as long to get off the car park.

Millie Naylor

You still can’t get out of Junction Nine retail park.

Greg Ritchie

The roads are so much quieter.

Lynda Hallett