A WOMAN who threatened to sell her ex’s photos on OnlyFans must return his phone.

Shelley Taylor has been handed a community order after admitting to harassing her former partner in Warrington.

The 41-year-old had been in a relationship with the victim for a year before they broke up in November 2021.

When they split, the victim gave Winsford resident Taylor his old phone to use.

She ended up looking through apps and emails, proceeding to contact his work colleagues and mother 'at any given time of day or night'.

When Taylor appeared at Warrington Magistrates Court in May to make her guilty plea, prosecutor Will Griffin said she had threatened to create an OnlyFans account and post photos of him which were stored on the device.

Mr Griffin highlighted another incident which saw Taylor slash all but one of the victim’s car’s tyres before posting a TikTok that said 'real psychos know to only slash three tyres'.

He also explained how friends of the victim have had to change their phone numbers while the victim himself has changed numbers three times.

Then, on October 24, 2022, Taylor visited the victim’s home but was told to leave, at which point she posted a handwritten note.

She attended the address again on November 2, but no one was in.

The victim’s mother made a report to police and Taylor was arrested at her home in November 2022.

Mr Griffin said Taylor’s actions had forced the victim to make 'considerable' changes to his lifestyle and had caused his mental health to 'deteriorate', leaving him feeling 'suicidal'.

Taylor returned to Warrington Magistrates Court on July 15 where she was handed a 12-month community order.

As part of this she must complete 20 days of rehabilitation activity and pay a fine of £120.

Taylor, of Regiment Way in Winsford, must also return the phone to the victim.

She will be allowed to access the phone one final time, in the presence of a police officer, to remove personal images and voice notes.

A restraining order has also been issued, preventing Taylor from contacting the victim by any means and from entering a specified address in Warrington until July 14, 2026.

Taylor will also have to pay costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge, which will be deducted from her benefits.