A 22-year-old man found in possession of Class A drugs and extreme bestiality pornography has been spared jail after ‘burying his head in the sand’.

Owen Hennessy, of Lindsworthy Close in Great Sankey, appeared in Liverpool Crown Court on Thursday morning after he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply ketamine, cocaine and MDMA, as well as possession of extreme pornography.

On May 21, 2022, Cheshire police received a phone call from a distressed female on Barbauld Street, who stated that a group of men were trying to sell her friend drugs.

When the officers arrived, the group dispersed and Hennessy was found hiding behind a van, before he ‘made off’.

The police officers gave chase, before pinning him to the ground, seeing him throw away a clear bag full of smaller snap bags and a black drawstring bag in the process.

Drugs analysis revealed 12 bags of ketamine with a total of 8.47 grams, worth between £240-280, 20 bags of cocaine with a total of 7.1 grams, worth between £400 to £1,000.

A further 16 tablets of MDMA worth between £80 to £100 were also seized, along with an iPhone.

His address was later searched by police, who found another iPhone and a Blackberry, as well as £270 in cash.

The devices were searched by police, which revealed three images and two videos of extreme pornography, which were all of bestiality with animals including pigs, sheep, and donkeys – which he said were sent into a WhatsApp group chat.

A tick list of names with sums next to them was also found with references to drugs.

Hennessy, who was 20 at the time of the offence, initially pleaded not guilty to the possession of drugs with intent to supply, and then did not engage with his legal aid, causing proceedings to be delayed.

He later changed his plea to guilty on June 25, after already pleading guilty to the possession of extreme pornography.

“There were a number of conferences where all the advice was given in the right order,” said Mr Walsh, defending.

“There has been a huge amount of burying his head very much in the sand.

“All had been done to assist Mr Hennessy, but I’m afraid with all the will in the world sometimes the advice isn’t taken until the hole is too deep.”

During the time between the offence and his appearance in court for sentencing, the court heard that Hennessy, who has no previous convictions, has continued working towards his qualification.

“If he goes to custody, he comes away with nothing,” said Mr Walsh.

His Honour Judge Woodhall called Hennessy’s father, who was present in court, to give evidence to the court about his son in order to make his decision.

Hennessy cried in the dock as his father recounted that the 22-year-old is a ‘quiet lad’ who made a ‘mistake’.

“He’s a good lad,” his father told the court.

“I think, yeah, he’s made a mistake and we have had a good chat about this, I just don’t want him to pay for it for the rest of his life.”

During his sentencing remarks, Judge Woodhall told Hennessy that his previous good character and dedication to his employment meant that he showed ‘little to no risk of reoffending’.

“This offending is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified,” said Judge Woodhall.

“[But] guidelines are just that, they are not tram lines.”

Judge Woodhall also informed the court that the character reference given by his father ‘impressed’ him and aided in his sentencing.

Hennessy faced no penalty for the possession of extreme pornography but was sentenced to two years imprisonment for the possession of the three drugs with intent to supply, which was suspended over two years.

The 20-year-old was also sentenced to 12 months rehabilitation, with up to 12 rehabilitation activity days, 200 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £1,602 to the court.

The £270 in cash and the three mobile phones were all forfeited and destroyed, as well as the drugs and paraphernalia.

“You have got a chance on a suspended sentence order, you must comply with it,” said Judge Woodhall.