DESPITE more than 150 complaints being made about dog fouling in Warrington over the last year, no fines were issued.

This is according to new data from Vitasure which has laid bare the extent of dog poo problems in the UK.

The data includes figures from 271 areas across the UK, including Warrington.

It reveals that in 2023/2024, 163 complaints of dog fouling in public places were made to Warrington Borough Council.

But despite this hefty number, no fixed penalty notices were issued.

In a list ranking the places with the most reports of dog fouling, this puts Warrington at 97 out of 271.

Meanwhile at the top of the list is the city of Belfast where 2,386 complaints were made to the council about dog fouling in public areas.

Out of these complaints, just seven fixed penalty notices were issued.

London Borough of Camden is second on the list, with 2,529 complaints.

No fixed penalty notices were issued here.

The release of the data comes as a recent survey revealed that 55 per cent of people see dog poo on the street in their local area often, while Google searches for ‘reporting dog fouling’ have increased by 140 per cent in the last 90 days alone.

Beth Nash, chief of doggy happiness at Vitasure, said: “We’re a nation of dog lovers, and the last few years have really cemented that; there are now almost double the number of dogs in the UK as there were in 2011, with more families welcoming our four-legged friends into our homes.

“However, that is no excuse for us seeing such huge - and growing - numbers of complaints for dog fouling on both private and public property.

“The sheer volume of complaints is worrying for everyone. We know that dog waste can pose serious health risks - specifically to children - while also spoiling the environment.

“But with such low levels of prosecution, the worry is, these numbers could further increase year on year. It really is on the councils to provide dog owners with the facilities to dispose of their dog’s waste safely, while also deterring owners from leaving waste on public and private land.”