A CREATIVE group of people have brought a smile to many faces in south Warrington.

A team of five residents all took on a project to decorate the communal portacabin at Stockton Heath Association site on Red Lane.

This was done not to just brighten up the portacabin, but also to celebrate and express what the allotment community does and achieve.

The word ‘grow’ is painted on that portacabin along with pictures of various animals, plants and flowers.

A member of the group, Ian Read, said: “The featured word ‘grow’ was chosen to represent our growing of vegetables, fruits and flowers and also the positive, personal and community growth that comes with that.

“The featured word ‘grow’ was chosen to represent our growing of vegetables, fruits and flowers and also the positive, personal and community growth that comes with that.”

And it is safe to say the freshly decorated portacabin has brough a smile to many peoples’ faces.

It has been described as bringing colour to the dull days.

(Image: Supplied)