A PENSIONER is calling for something to be done about the ‘dangerously overgrown’ shrubbery blocking the path near to his home.

Geoff Platt, 85, has lived on Fearnhead Lane for the last 30 years with his wife, Lilian, 85, who is a wheelchair user.

The pair have often found the greenery next to their home becomes excessive and overgrown to the point where the path is inaccessible.

And they must risk their lives, stepping onto the road, in order to pass the monstrosity.

Previously, the land which was formerly owned by the University of Chester as its Padgate campus was regularly kept by a team of groundsman.

But since the departure of the university and the sale of the land, Geoff cannot find a soul responsible or willing to help tend to the ‘dangerously overgrown’ bush.

Speaking on the issue, Geoff said: “I first reported it on the first of the month. I cannot find out who owns the ground anymore.

“When the gardeners would come to the university, I would just ask them to cut it down and they would.

“Now the campus is closed, I do not know who to go to. The council say it is the landowner’s problem.”

The resident contacted the rumoured owners of the site, David Wilson Homes, to ask for help with the matter, but weeks on he explained nothing had been done to resolve the issue.

“The side is just totally overgrown. There is no grounds staff at all. They just keep the grass short on the site for the rugby training.

“Last year we had trouble with it too. God knows why Warrington Borough Council can’t just cut it down because it is a danger,” he added.

Geoff explained that his wife is a wheelchair user, and the state of the path means the pair must move onto the road in order to get past, causing a high risk to both of them and other pedestrians.

A spokesperson for David Wilson Homes north west commented on the issue, saying: “Currently we are not in possession of the site at the former University of Chester Padgate Campus but will liaise with the relevant landowners to ensure maintenance of the overgrown areas is carried out as soon as possible.

“We will also be happy to assist if this helps resolve the matter in a timely manner.”