A RECKLESS driver who previously injured a policeman in a bid to evade arrest is back behind bars.

Paul Henry was locked up for 34 weeks back in August 2022 for aggravated vehicle taking, obstructing police in executing their public duty and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The 36-year-old is now back in custody after a police raid rumbled his drug dealing operation.

He appeared before Liverpool Crown Court to be sentenced on Wednesday after admitting being concerned in supplying cocaine.

The court heard how police raided his home on Hunter Avenue in Longford on May 9 this year with a warrant following intelligence that people were queuing in an alleyway to buy drugs from him.

The raid was part of Operation Apollo – Cheshire Police’s dedicated crackdown to combat drug supply lines.

The court was made aware of Henry’s previous convictions, which include offences which occurred on August 24, 2022.

The defendant was parked by Fox Covert Cemetery in Appleton when he was stopped by a police officer while on patrol.

Henry attempted to drive off from the officer, who was speaking to him through the driver’s side window, after providing a false name.

As the officer opened the driver side door, he revved the engine and reversed the car, causing the door to scrape the officer’s arm, and drove away.

For the drug offences, recorder Michael Duck sentenced Henry to 27 months immediate imprisonment.