A WOMAN from Warrington is garnering support in a bid to ban the sale and ownership of crossbows.

It follows the devastating recent triple murder of Louisa and Hannah Hunt, as well as their mother Carol Hunt, in Bushey, Hertfordshire.

Mrs Hunt, 61, the wife of BBC racing commentator John Hunt, and two of their daughters, Hannah, 28, and Louise, 25, were found fatally injured at the family home in Ashlyn Close just after 7pm last Tuesday, July 9.

A massive manhunt was launched for the suspect, who was found just under 24 hours later with what were thought to be self-inflicted injuries.

Now, Paula Gilly, a friend of Mr Hunt who has worked with victims of domestic violence, is campaigning for tighter restrictions on access to the weapon.

Her petition, at the time of writing, had received 197 signatures, and to sign it yourself, visit change.org/p/crossbows-restrict-the-sale-and-ownership

In starting her petition, Paula said: “In the wake of a devastating tragedy where Louise, Hannah, and their mother Carol Hunt were brutally slain by a former partner using a crossbow, I feel compelled to act.

“This horrific incident strikes a personal chord as my husband is friends with John Hunt.

Clockwise from top left: Hannah Hunt, John Hunt Carol Hunt and Louise Hunt

Clockwise from top left: Hannah Hunt, John Hunt Carol Hunt and Louise Hunt

“The personal loss John is suffering is unimaginable, and our hearts break for him. I am motivated to ensure that no other person has to endure such torment.

“Having worked in the field of domestic violence for many years, I find it deeply upsetting that such lethal weapons are legally accessible and can be easily purchased by the average person.

“Crossbows, capable of inflicting substantial harm and facilitating heinous crimes, are not tools meant for everyday use or protection.

“They can often be misused, as was sadly demonstrated in this tragic case, leading to repercussions that last a lifetime.

“I believe it is crucial to reconsider the availability of this deadly weapon in our society in the interest of public safety.

“Let's rally behind this cause to call for a significant change. Your voices are powerful and can prevent others from enduring similar tragedies.

“It is time our laws reflect the seriousness of the potential dangers posed by crossbows. Please, sign this petition to prohibit the sale and ownership of crossbows.”