WORK has been completed to fix a ‘potentially dangerous’ bridge at a park in Warrington.

 The bridge, situated in Alexandra Park in Stockton Heath, was ‘badly damaged’ and concerns were raised by one resident on social media.

Wooden panels along the bridge had been left broken creating a potential risk for dog walkers and those who frequently visit the park, with the bridge creating a path over a stream.

Issuing a warning about the damaged area in park, a resident said: “Just be aware the small bridge over the stream in Alexandra Park (from near the Bowling Green across to the area behind the school) is badly broken and potentially dangerous.

“It's a joint responsibility between WBC and Stockton Heath PC and we are getting it fixed as soon as possible.”

It was proposed that warning signs were to be put up temporarily to highlight the potential dangers to residents.

Warrington Borough Council has now confirmed that work has been carried out to fix the bridge and the broken panels.

In a statement, a spokesperson for WBC said: “Repairs to the bridge at Alexandra Park were undertaken last week.”