Charlotte Nichols is Warrington North MP and writes a regular column for the Warrington Guardian

I must begin by thanking everyone who voted for me, as well as those who worked to re-elect me at the General Election.

I am grateful and honoured to be entrusted as Warrington North’s Member of Parliament for another term, as well as delighted that Sarah Hall was elected in Warrington South and the national victory that means we finally have a Labour government after so many years.

We know that this is a serious responsibility and are so glad to put an end to the years of chaos, crisis and division that we saw under the Tories: we are committed to a purposeful government to put the country right again.

By the time you are reading this column, you will have seen the King’s Speech announced with its commitments to economic growth, housebuilding, workers’ rights, tackling climate change and a publicly-owned energy company, Great British Energy. We will abolish no-fault evictions and exploitative zero-hours contracts. All of our focus will be on rebuilding our public services and economic foundations so that we can improve people’s lives after the Tory mess we have inherited.

My personal priorities begin with Warrington’s need for a new hospital, often promised but never delivered by the Conservatives; I will demand that Labour builds it. I will also be pushing the new government to go further and faster on mental health and violence against women and girls, where things have sadly got worse over the past decade.

As ever, I will campaign to secure commitments for our local nuclear, engineering construction, and manufacturing sectors as part of our national plans for growth and energy infrastructure delivery; Warrington is so well placed to benefit from our focus on economic growth.

This is of course an exciting time for Labour supporters, but the changes we will make to the country are designed to help lift everyone up. Regardless of who is in power I will always be a cheerleader for Warrington, my home which I am so proud to represent, and I will remain available and accessible for constituents.

We may have a Labour government with a big majority, but we take nothing for granted. We know that the public demand that we improve their lives, and that is what we, and I, are committed to doing. The work begins now.