PLANS for extensions to a property in Grappenhall look set to be approved.

An application proposing a ground and first floor extension to the side elevation and ground floor extension to the rear elevation at the site, on Springfield Avenue, will come before the development management committee on Thursday.

It is being recommended for approval, subject to conditions, with delegated authority given to the development manager to make non-material changes to planning conditions and reasons as may be necessary prior to the issue of the decision.

According to a report to the committee, the site ‘consists of a two storey, semi-detached dwellinghouse of inter-war construction sited on an elongated corner plot’ at the junction of Springfield Avenue with Bradshaw Lane and 'is a typical example of properties in the vicinity' – and the development would increase the number of bedrooms from three to four.

“This application seeks planning permission for a ground and first floor side extension and a single storey rear extension,” it says.

The report states that the principle of development is ‘acceptable’, and the proposed works ‘would be in accordance with the relevant Local Plan policies, would not adversely impact residential or visual amenity and not raise any undue highway safety concerns’.

But Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council has objected.

As stated in the report, the reason for this is: “Due to size and siting the extension would overdominate the original property and would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the host dwelling and surrounding area.”