AN offender has admitted targeting three independent Warrington businesses as part of a crime wave.

Carl Cartwright burgled the three business premises, stealing cash and products from two of them.

The 51-year-old, of St Stephens Avenue in Orford, has appeared before Chester Magistrates' Court, where he indicated guilty pleas to all charges.

This came after he was charged with three counts of burglary – not his first experience of the offence either.

Two of the burglaries occurred on Knutsford Road in Latchford between June 1 and three this year.

Cartwright admitted entering a beauty bar as a trespasser with intent to steal from inside.

He also trespassed in homeware store Vintage Grace, where he stole a black Huawei tablet worth £200 and a bowl of vintage handles to the approximate value of £100.

The third burglary was committed months earlier on April 9, with the theft of approximately £1,000 in cash from a safe and £72 from a till from Angels Kitchen, located at Warrington Business Park on Long Lane in Orford.

Magistrates adjourned the case for a pre-sentence report to be prepared, with the defendant remanded on conditional bail, including an electronically monitored curfew.

He will next appear for sentence at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on August 7.

His bail conditions prohibit him from entering the three businesses he burgled.

Cartwright was previously jailed for 23 weeks in December 2018 after stealing thousands of pounds worth of goods from an auction house.

He broke into the Warrington Auction House in Westbrook and took £3,500 of jewellery, watches and coins.