A BRUTE was slammed by a ‘flabbergasted’ judge for dragging his then-girlfriend around the house ‘like a ragdoll’.

Khane Price-Evans also stamped on the head of the victim multiple times, spat in her face and poured vodka in her eyes in a ‘gratuitous’ assault.

This is the third former partner of his that he has subjected to domestic violence, the court heard.

The 36-year-old was locked up at Chester Crown Court on Monday, having admitted two charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

He was initially also charged with possessing an offensive weapon in a public place, namely a screwdriver, following his arrest in a pub, however this was discontinued by the prosecution.

Joanne Moore, prosecuting the case, informed the court how the victim and defendant had been in a three-year relationship at the time of the assaults.

On June 7 this year, she decided she wanted to end things, with the pair going out for drinks with friends after their discussion.

However, during the evening, and after alcohol was consumed, Price-Evans became jealous of the attention the complainant was getting from men.

An argument broke out when they got home after he looked at her phone, leading to him calling her a s**g, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her around ‘like a ragdoll’.

He also punched her to the face, banged her head and stamped on her head and chest while wearing trainers – stamping again on her head as she tried to get up.

She headed to the door in a bid to escape, however the defendant grabbed her by the hard, called her a ‘stupid b***h’ and threw her up the stairs, dragging her by her hair until they reached the bedroom.

The court heard that his ‘mood changed’ at this point, and he became apologetic, saying ‘sorry, what have I done’ and ‘I’ve lost you forever’.

Her nose was ‘pouring with blood’ and she went to bed, not expecting Price-Evans to be present when she woke up – but he was, and his mood had changed again from remorseful to angry.

The victim ‘knew she had to get out’ and went outside to prevent further violence, with the court hearing that she ‘feared he would kill her’ if she went back into the property with him.

He again dragged her by her hair, resulting in scrapes to her knees, arms and shoulders, with the victim grabbing hold of anything she could to slow down.

This led to the defendant spitting in her face, pouring vodka in her eyes and striking her to the head.

The woman ran into a nearby shop and urged staff to help her, who called her friends and family to take her to a different address.

Contact was made with Cheshire Police and she was taken to hospital for treatment for multiple injuries, including substantial swelling and bruising to her face, knees, chest, arms and feet, while her nose was said to be ‘bleeding profusely’.

Khane Price-Evans was sentenced at Chester Crown Court

Khane Price-Evans was sentenced at Chester Crown Court

While in hospital, he initially sent her remorseful messages, which then became abusive when she did not respond, calling her a ‘rat’ and that she was ‘taking the p**s’.

He was arrested a short time later while drinking in the Royal Oak Branch pub in Latchford.

An impact statement prepared by the victim was read out in court, detailing the physical and ‘overwhelming’ psychological impact of the assaults, including a deterioration of her mental health.

“When I close my eyes, I see him and relive the incident. I have sleepless nights and am constantly scared and anxious,” the mum-of-two said.

“I have not returned home due to panic and reliving the incident, and I have regular flashbacks, waking up sweating.”

Ms Moore revealed to the court that Price-Evans has 22 previous convictions for 35 offences, including a breach of a restraining order, wounding and battery against two former partners – meaning this is the third partner of his to experience domestic violence.

She described the assaults as ‘prolonged and persistent’ against a vulnerable victim, causing serious physical and psychological harm with a substantial impact.

This was by a defendant who was on police bail for unrelated matters at the time, and who used a foot as a weapon, she added.

Defending his client, Benjamin Ramsey offered mitigation by stating: “His best mitigation is his guilty pleas.

“He accepts he has a poor record. He wants to use his time in custody productively to get help, and he has been receiving counselling.

“He knows he has problems with drink, drugs and violence, and he wants to deal with them.”

Before sentencing, recorder Mark Cooper said: “This was a brutal and violent assault on someone you claimed to love. Your behaviour was appalling.

“Your actions deft description. You repeatedly said to the victim that you loved her. One is flabbergasted. This was brazen and gratuitous assault of the highest order.

“You should be absolutely appalled by what you have done. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind this was a prolonged and persistent assault, and you degraded your victim throughout.

“It is of great concern to me that this victim is the third partner of yours that has been subjected to domestic violence.”

Price-Evans, of no fixed abode, but of Warrington, was sentenced to 28 months immediate imprisonment.

The court also imposed a restraining order prohibiting him from contacting the victim for the next 10 years.