A DRUG dealer bared he teeth for his mugshot after being caught by police in Victoria Park.

It comes after Michael Wickham was handed an immediate jail term today, Thursday, at Chester Crown Court for offences involving class A drugs.

Cheshire Police had been made aware of a mobile phone sending a number of ‘flare’ messages to facilitate the supply of illegal substances.

On Tuesday, June 11, officers on patrol in Victoria Park sighted Wickham, who was suspected of drug dealing.

He was detained by officers and arrested on suspicion of drug offences.

A search conducted upon his arrest revealed Wickham was in possession of the mobile phone earlier identified by officers to be involved in the illegal drug supply.

The 29-year-old, of no fixed abode, was subsequently charged with and pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Appearing before Chester Crown Court this morning, he was sentenced by judge Steven Everett to five years and six months behind bars.

Speaking after the hearing, DC Tom Dale said: “I welcome the sentence handed to Wickham, and I hope that his conviction sends out a warning to others.

“Illegal drugs have a hugely detrimental impact, and we are committed to doing all we can to remove those involved in the supply of such drugs from our communities.

“In Wickham’s case, he made a full admission to the fact that that he was involved in the sale of illegal drugs and is now facing the consequences of his actions.

“While Wickham is now behind bars, our fight against illegal drugs and those who supply them continues.

“Intelligence supplied by members of the public is crucial to this fight, and I urge anyone with any information about suspected drug related activity in their community to get in touch.

“You will be listened to, and we will investigate the matter.”

Anyone with any information in relation to supply of illegal drugs is urged to call Cheshire Police on 101 or visit cheshire.police.uk/ro/report