A WOMAN who was recently locked up after begging a man in the street to sleep with her has been jailed for longer.

Alison Haughton was handed a 38-week prison sentence only last month for sexual assault after grabbing a neighbour by the hips as he collected his food shopping delivery.

But the 54-year-old, of Orford, will now spend more time in custody after threatening to stab and kill three teenage girls.

The defendant appeared before Crewe Magistrates’ Court last week charged with two counts of use threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

Lisa Maguire, prosecuting, spoke of how the charges relate to an incident against three 14-year-old girls on May 2 this year – only days before the sexual assault offence.

At a location in Warrington, Haughton is reported to have called one of the group a sl*g and said that she was ‘going to slit her throat’.

She also reportedly put her middle finger up at them and was shouting: "I am going to stab and kill you.”

Four days later, Haughton was making a commotion in the street when the victim of the sexual assault came out of his address.

He saw her attempting to climb into the vehicle that was delivering his food shop and confronted her, leading to her approaching him, grabbing him by the hips and saying: “Give me a kiss.”

He told her to stop but her sexual references continued, she grabbed his t-shirt and tried to pull him back towards her and said: “If you want me to let go, you need to give me a kiss.”

The victim retreated to his home but the defendant continued to ‘suggest they have sex’ before leaving.

She was jailed for this in June, as well as for three charges of assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage on January 2 at Patten Arms Hotel.

Police officers had been called after staff made a 999 call stating that Haughton had been ‘abusive’ and had caused damage to a fire alarm.

She refused to leave, slapped the officer on the arm and kicked him in the chest. She also propositioned him, asking: “Do you want to have sex?”

Haughton continued to be abusive to the two male officers using expletives and tried to bite one of them.

For the threatening behaviour offences against the teenagers, magistrates took into account the defendant’s guilty pleas but remarked that the offences were too serious for anything other than a jail term.

Haughton, of Norris Street in Orford, was sentenced to an additional four weeks behind bars on top of her current 38-week jail sentence.