DESIGNS to install a digital advertising board have been thrown out by the council for being ‘overly intrusive’.

Plans had been submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department seeking advertisement consent.

Applicant Vivid Outdoor Media Solutions wanted to erect a 3m by 6m LED display unit on land off Cromwell Avenue, near to the roundabout junction with Callands Road and Westbrook Crescent.

This would have been turned off between 11pm and 6am, however the council has refused permission.

Plans stated: “The application site forms a wide area of closely mown grassed land adjacent to the highway.

“The proposal is to erect a single, freestanding LED display unit looking out over the highway visible to traffic as they leave the roundabout heading to the south.”

A letter of objection was submitted by a resident who said: “This illuminated sign will be in direct sight line of people’s bedrooms on all three sides.

“There does not appear to be a light calculation within the planning documentation or an impact study to determine the light pollution effect on the surrounding houses.

“This is a completely inappropriate location for such an intrusive illuminated advertisement sign.

“It will pose as a distraction to drivers on a main walking route for many children on the way to Callands Community Primary School.

“This advertisement is not in-keeping with the surrounding residential area.”

In refusing permission, the council said: “The proposed signage would, by virtue of its size, location and illumination, appear as an overly prominent and intrusive addition to the street scene.

“It would have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenity of the area.”