A LARGE police presence was seen in Longford yesterday evening, Monday.

Residents reported seeing police officers on a number of streets in the area, including Densham Avenue, McKee Avenue, Gough Avenue and Winwick Road.

The police helicopter was also scrambled to assist shortly after 8pm.

This came after Cheshire Police received reports of a sighting of a wanted man, sought on recall to prison.

Police on Winwick Road during the search. Picture: Jasper Dzierzak

Police on Winwick Road during the search. Picture: Jasper Dzierzak

Despite the huge police presence, which included officers looking in gardens, the wanted man was not located.

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “At 8.10pm on Monday, July 8, police searching for a wanted man in Warrington were made aware of a possible sighting of him.

“National Police Air Service attended to assist officers in the Orford area, however they were not able to locate the man.”