PARENTS of children who attend Fox Wood Special School are hoping to raise £100k to build a playground that is accessible for wheelchair users.

Rachael Penn, chair of the PTA for Fox Wood, has spearheaded the fundraising campaign by starting up a funding page to get the donations building for the fantastic cause.

As she explains on the Crowdfunding Page, Fox Wood is a school for children aged four to 19 years.

It caters to children and young adults with multiple learning difficulties and disabilities including autism (ASD), hearing impairments and visual impairments.

Addressing the cause, Ms Penn said: “As 40 per cent of our pupils are in wheelchairs, including my son, we feel they should have the same experiences as their peers and be able to have a fully wheelchair accessible playground.”

Included in the plans for the new playground will be a wheelchair swing, roundabout, trampoline, audio bells and a sensory tunnel.

“Due to it being specialist equipment it comes at a huge cost and one of which no school budget could ever stretch to,” the PTA chair continued.

“We will be applying for several grants to try and get near target, but we also need to fundraise in many ways to reach the £100k goal.”

Rachael is attempting to bring in as many donations – as little or big as possible- before the end of August.

The end of August will see the mum, who also volunteers at Foxwood, get a permanent tattoo of the school badge on her arm.

 “Yes I may be crazy but I'm also crazy passionate about them kids and of course it's a cause close to my heart,” she added.

“Even if you can only give £1 it would mean the world to me. Let's get them kids out enjoying their new playground.”

To donate to the cause, visit the funding page here.