A CREEP who carried out a predatory sexual assault on a vulnerable woman in her own home is to spend longer behind bars.

Kamen Smith, who was already serving time for drug dealing, previously saw his time behind bars extended for the sexual assault.

Now, this sentence has been added to once again for separate drug dealing matters now that proceedings have concluded in the courts.

The 30-year-old appeared before Liverpool Crown Court yesterday, Thursday, via video link from prison, where he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply the class A controlled drugs crack cocaine and heroin.

The court heard that on January 6, 2023, Cheshire Police officers in Warrington were notified that two men were conducting a drug deal at The Friar Penketh Wetherspoons pub in the town centre.

One of these men was identified by plain-clothed officers as Smith, who was promptly arrested shortly after.

When stopped by officers, Kamen said that he had ‘10 wraps of white and 12 of brown" on his person, with these wraps containing both powder and rocks.

Searching officers also seized a phone from him, for which he refused to provide the pin code.

Following the search, officers conducted a warrant at Smith's home on Molyneux Avenue in Bewsey seized two sets of scales from his bedroom.

These scales were found to have traces of white powder on them.

Choosing not to defend himself, Smith answered ‘no comment’ throughout his interview and was subsequently charged.

The court heard of his previous convictions which includes assaulting an emergency worker and for public disorder offences.

He was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage following an incident in the summer of 2021.

While released under investigation for these offences, he also committed drug dealing offences in Warrington in April 2022, for which he was convicted of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin and jailed for 28 months in May last year.

The summer 2021 offences arose after he had been drinking in St Helens, in the Black Bull pub in Eccleston, Bird I’th Hand pub on Prescot Road and town centre venues.

By around 4am, having left the town centre, he was in the home of a woman and her boyfriend when events unfolded.

Kamen Smith was jailed at Liverpool Crown Court

Kamen Smith was jailed at Liverpool Crown Court

When the boyfriend was outside smoking, and while the woman was ‘tired and worse for wear with drink’, Smith sexually assaulted her.

The court heard how she was ‘seven out of 10 in terms of drunkenness’ and was taken advantage of by the defendant who ‘began to molest her’, despite her trying to dissuade him and stating she was not interested in his advances.

The boyfriend sensed something was not right, and he was later told what had happened by his girlfriend, leading to a confrontation.

Smith threw a punch and began to attack the male victim, having chased him outside, and he also damaged his car by kicking it, causing scuff marks and snapping the wingmirror.

As the victim fell to the floor, the attack continued with Smith repeatedly striking him to the face and head and kicking him to the back.

“The defendant said he would kill him and would not stop until he did,” the court heard at the time, with the victim requiring a facial cut to be glued in hospital.

For the sexual assault, assault and criminal damage matters, Smith was sentenced to four years in prison, to run consecutive to his former drug dealing sentence, meaning it will start when that sentence ends.

It was said at the time that he had mental health, alcohol and drug problems – “a very giddy cocktail of issues, and he needs to address them,” his barrister said.

“One reassuring matter is that he is coping and thriving in prison. The regime seems to suit him.”

For the latest drug dealing matters, Smith was handed a further consecutive sentence of 40 months behind bars.

The sentence was welcomed by PC Sian Doyle, of Cheshire Police in Warrington, who said: “It shows our continued zero tolerance of both illegal drug taking and supply across Warrington.

“Due to his own choices, Smith will now be facing more than three years behind bars.

“I hope that Smith's conviction provides reassurance to residents that police in Warrington are doing all we can to take illegal drugs off our streets.

“I also hope it acts as a warning for any other dealers who are planning to do the same.”

Anyone with information or concerns in relation to drug dealing is asked to report it to Cheshire Police by calling 101 or visiting cheshire.police.uk/tell-us