A SUBSTANTIAL number of discarded items including mountain bikes, a TV and a luggage trolley were discovered, dumped in a Warrington park which sits nearby to a recycling centre.

 A clean-up operation of Woolston Park South was led by a group of scouts and volunteers of the New Cut Trail Group recently.

And sadly some shocking discoveries were made throughout the day.

Working under close supervision, the Scouts found discarded mountain and children’s bikes.

As well as a television screen, a luggage trolley and the usual plastic and drinks containers.

The park is situated close to Woolston Community Recycling Centre and adjacent to the New Cut Canal, providing a through route to the canal towpath and a popular picnic spot.


The Scouts were shown how to conduct a litter pick safely.

And they learned about the unfortunate behaviour of fly-tippers, who discarded their items only a short walk from a designated recycling spot.  

The overall collection was brought to the gate on Manchester Road and arrangements were made with Warrington Borough Council to collect the material for processing the following day.

Anne Price, press Officer for New Cut Group said: “The park being close to the recycling centre suffers because people who arrive when the centre is closed are too lazy to take their discarded goods home and recycle them properly.

“The whole area that has been created in partnership by volunteers, Parish Councils and the Borough Council is an excellent area of green, open space for all to enjoy but unfortunately, we have these individuals who don’t respect it.”