A MAN from Grappenhall who was ‘hugely intoxicated’ when he sexually assaulted a woman in Tank Bar told magistrates he is ‘really sorry about it’.

Jamie Knowles, of Windsor Drive, appeared in court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to one count of sexual assault.

On April 6, the 28-year-old attended Tank Bar, on Cairo Street, on a night out when he approached a woman.

Knowles touched the victim’s hip and right breast before attempting to kiss her, without her consent.

The prosecution for the case, Miss Johnson, told the court that the victim and Knowles were seen to have a conversation before he then grabbed her arm.

The victim then proceeded to punch Knowles in the face in self-defence and he was later escorted out of the club.

“This has caused a great amount of stress to the complainant,” said Miss Johnson.

“She fears that something like this may happen again.”

Miss Johnson also told the court that the victim feels ‘extremely vulnerable’ when out in public, especially when someone walks behind her.

Knowles, who has three previous convictions for eight offences, represented himself in court.

“I’m really sorry about it,” he said.

“I was hugely intoxicated.”

Knowles was sentenced to a community order last year after he flipped the van he was driving onto its side in Latchford in October.

As part of his sentencing, Knowles was required to attend 10 rehabilitation activity days.

“I have been really engaging with it,” he told the court.

“I needed the help that they’re giving me.

“I’m going to seek further help with it if you want me to.”

It was while under this community order that Knowles committed the sexual assault in Tank Bar, and therefore breached the order.

At his sentencing on Wednesday, Knowles was sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment to be suspended over two years and must attend up to 35 rehabilitation activity days.

Further to this, Knowles must complete the Horizon Programme and will be placed on the sex offenders register for seven years.

He was also ordered to pay the victim £250 compensation.

“We feel that this particular assault was somewhat sustained and persistent and would have had psychological effects on the complainant,” said the magistrates.

“The reason that we have suspended your sentence is because we feel that there is a reasonable expectation of rehabilitation.

“But the ball is very much in your court.”