A VOYEUR pervert took photos under toilet doors of men urinating in public toilets in Warrington.

Axel Savage also snapped adult men performing sex acts on themselves in the toilet block.

These were found after police received intelligence that the 30-year-old was sharing vile images of children being sexually abused.

He was subsequently charged with voyeurism, possessing indecent images of children, two counts of making them and four of distributing them.

At his sentencing hearing at Liverpool Crown Court this morning, Wednesday, prosecutor Kenneth Grant informed the court how Cheshire Police received information that an email address attributed to the defendant was associated with a Snapchat account.

This account was being used to upload category A – the most severe category involving child rape – indecent images of children in September 2022.

The IP address was associated with the account of Savage, and following police enquiries, officers attended his home address after being granted a warrant.

A number of electronic devices were seized from the property, including the defendant’s mobile phone, and he was interviewed that same day, answering no comment to questions put to him.

He did however provide his pin code and passwords, with a forensic examination of the devices revealing the presence of indecent images of children.

In total, Savage admitted being in possession of nine sickening images, of which two were graded category A and seven classed as category B.

It was found that two images were distributed multiple times using WhatsApp between the defendant and his partner.

The search also found 282 photos taken in a public toilet in the town, the location of which was not disclosed in court, but taken on two dates between January 30 and February 3 last year.

They involved adult men urinating in the toilet, taken above and under doors, while others were of them performing sex acts on themselves in the toilet block.

Savage was interviewed again by police in relation to the voyeurism material and again answered no comment to all questions put to him.

Offering mitigation on behalf of his client, Jim Smith spoke of how a number of glowing references had been prepared by his family and partner, who was there to support him in the courtroom, as well as a letter written by himself to the court.

“He knows what he did is illegal, he is ashamed of what he is done, and he knows it has put him at risk of an immediate custodial sentence, Mr Smith said.

He highlighted how this was an ‘unusual’ distribution case as it was in a ‘closed circuit intended only for the eyes of his partner’.

Axel Savage was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court

Axel Savage was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court

“This does not minimise the impact of that which perpetuates misery for countless individuals who suffer from exploitation,” Mr Smith added.

“This is a gentleman with no previous convictions, and character references speak of someone who is kind, hard-working, friendly, loving and supportive of family members.

He added that the defendant works in the pharmaceutical industry, provides value to the community, is capable of rehabilitation and will not reoffend.

Referencing the indecent images of children, judge David Swinnerton said: “Those who view such images rarely stop to think about that they represent. Each one reflects a child being abused.

“People like you that look at them perpetuate a market in them, such that people are encouraged to create such images, and encouraged to abuse children in the real world somewhere.

“That is why they are taken seriously and are not just pictures. It is made worse for you because you distributed them.

“It is general practice that those who distribute them go to prison, as it extends the market for such images.”

On the voyeurism images, Judge Swinnerton commented: “The court is not naïve as to what goes on in certain toilet blocks, but they are public toilets.

“Anyone could have gone in there, and ordinary members of the public are entitled to use the facility without fear of being photographed, despite what other people are doing in there.”

He concluded: “The real question is whether or not I am prepared to suspend the sentence.

“Do be aware that ordinarily I do not suspend the sentence for those who distribute this type of material, but I have already commented how your case is different.

“Taking into account everything else I have heard about you, I can and will suspend the sentence.

Savage, of Fordington Road in Hood Manor, was sentenced to 20 months in prison suspended for two years.

He must also complete 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days, including the Horizon sex offence treatment programme, and 150 hours of unpaid work.

In addition, he must abide by the terms of a sexual harm prevention order and sign the sex offender register, both for a period of 10 years.

Judge Swinnerton approved an order to deprive the defendant of the electronic devices seized when police executed a warrant at his home.