A DANGEROUS off-road bike rider has been hauled before the courts for his actions behind the handlebars.

Jonathan Jupp drove his bike in a dangerous manner in Latchford, and he was also found to be in possession of illegal drugs.

The 30-year-old was subsequently charged with dangerous driving and possession of a class A controlled drug.

He also faced charges of driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence and driving without third-party insurance.

Opening the case at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court, prosecutor Natasha Williamson said that all of the offences were committed on May 22 this year.

Jupp was on an off-road motorbike on Whitey Avenue in Latchford when he was spotted driving in a way that caused a danger to others.

Checks revealed that he was not insured to drive the vehicle, and he was also riding it without third-party insurance in place.

A quantity of the controlled class A drug cocaine was found in his possession.

District judge James Hatton, taking the defendant’s guilty pleas into account, deemed the offences serious enough for a community penalty and rehabilitative work.

Jupp, of Powell Street in Sutton, St Helens, was sentenced to an 18-month community order, including 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He must also abide by an electronically monitored curfew for 10 weeks, between 8pm and 6am, and pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85.

In addition, the court disqualified him from driving for 18 months, while an order was approved for the forfeiture and destruction of cocaine seized by police.