A PROLIFIC Warrington public nuisance is once again back behind the bars of a prison cell.

Shaun Scanlon has a disgraceful criminal record, having committed a staggering number of offences over the years.

The 48-year-old was made the subject of a criminal behaviour order (CBO) last year in a bid to curb his ability to break the law.

But he flouted this blatantly recently, resulting in yet another period of incarceration.

Scanlon appeared before Chester Magistrates’ Court, where he pleaded guilty to resisting a police officer and breaching his CBO.

The court heard how Scanlon, as per the terms of his CBO, is prohibited from being on Cockhedge Way in Warrington town centre.

However, he did so on June 24, before resisting a police constable who confronted him.

The defendant was last jailed in May for assaulting a police officer and again breaching his CBO.

He has previously been locked up for being drunk and disorderly in public, spitting in his police cell and assaulting a shopkeeper by putting him in a headlock.

Before then, he was jailed for threatening to stab a friend while intoxicated and brandishing two kitchen knives.

He also has convictions for carrying knives in separate incidents and smashing a window at the Firkin Tap pub on Buttermarket Street.

For his latest offending, magistrates remarked that his woeful record and blatant order breach meant that the only appropriate sentence was one if immediate custody.

Scanlon, of Winmarleigh Street in Warrington town centre, was sentenced to 28 days immediate imprisonment.