A RECONSTRUCTION project to replace stone setts on a characterful village street is set to start.

Pepper Street, which sits within a conservation area in Lymm village centre, contains a sett paved area which has been in need of refurbishment for some time.

In addition, the existing inspection chamber covers and gully gratings on the street are of an older style and unsuitable for modern traffic.

Almost 250 people took part in a consultation in autumn 2022, aimed at getting views from residents on the best refurbishment options for the stone setts.

The majority of respondents said they would like to see the road reconstructed with reclaimed setts.

Having sourced the reclaimed setts of the right type and size, Warrington Borough Council is now moving ahead with the works.

From late June, there will be nighttime road closures from 7pm to 1am, Monday to Friday, to allow workers to reconstruct the road, lay channels and lay a temporary asphalt running surface, with this work taking four to five weeks to complete.

During this time, access will be permitted outside of the closure times for residents, businesses and schools.

From the start of the school holidays, Pepper Street will be closed 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, for the removal of the temporary running surface and laying of the stone setts.

The road will remain closed to through traffic until all the setts have been laid.

It is estimated that the work will take up to 20 weeks to complete.

When Pepper Street is closed, access at Longbutt Lane onto Scholars Green Lane will always be open for vehicular traffic to get in and out of the area.

David Boyer, the council’s director of transport and environment, said: “This is an important project within Lymm’s conservation area.

“It will deliver much-needed refurbishment and provide a high-quality surface for many years to come.

“We apologise for the short-term disruption and thank everyone for their patience while this work is carried out.”

For the diversion route, updates and phasing, visit warrington.gov.uk/pepper-street-lymm

You can also view information boards about the scheme at Lymm Village Hall.