PLANS for a changes to one of Stockton Heath's most popular restaurants have been blocked by the council.

A La Turka, based in the Victoria Buildings, had wanted to build a replacement canopy over its outdoor eating area.

This came after Warrington Borough Council chiefs ruled the existing one, constructed hastily during the pandemic, breached planning laws.

However council planners announced this week that the new proposal could not go ahead.

During the pandemic, rules on eating indoors saw many establishments build outdoor areas. The then bosses at A La Turka did so by constructing the existing canopy but without receiving planning permission, documents show.

Now the new owners of the restaurant applied for a new permanent structure. The council says the existing one will have to be removed.

Planning documents submitted state: "The past owners of A La Turka had to think fast during the pandemic and quickly constructed the current inappropriate canopy structure to help keep their business afloat.

"There was not the time to submit a planning application for the proposals to be fully assessed. "It is quite evident the current structure is inappropriate."

The plans state that restaurants and bars without outdoor areas in Stockton Heath struggle to survive and keeping one, which is very popular with diners, is crucial.

(Image: Council)

The new scheme includes designs used in other similar areas with Conservation Areas such as Lytham.

However in its conclusion published this week, planners said the new scheme would not be in keeping with the look of the village.

A Warrington Borough Council report added: "The proposed development would conceal the original features of a locally listed, non-designated heritage asset, and so would detract from its significance.

"The development would cause less than substantial harm to the character and setting of a designated heritage asset through its prominence and harm to a locally listed building within the Stockton Heath Conservation Area."