SIX parliamentary candidates will battle to become Warrington North MP in the General Election on July 4.

Here is your chance to hear from the politicians aiming to secure victory at the ballot box.

Charlotte Nichols, Labour

“I am standing on my record as a hard-working and accessible MP who has stood up for our town’s principles in opposing the chaos and austerity of the failed Conservative Government.

“I have made pledges to reduce NHS waiting lists, cut energy bills for good, tackle crime with an extra 13,000 police officers and PCSOs, and ensure that everyone has access to NHS dentistry.

READ MORE > Meet the candidates in Warrington South

“We must restore our NHS and public services, address the climate threat and give households hope for their living standards again.

“Warrington is everything that is best about our country: hard-working, honest and compassionate.

“These are my values and I am committed to championing them in Westminster alongside an effective and caring Labour Government.

“This is finally the chance to end the chaos and embarrassment of the current Government and change our country’s direction to one we can be proud of. I won’t let you down.”

Charlotte Nichols

Yasmin Al-Atroshi, Conservative

“For too long, your Labour MP has taken you for granted and abandoned you. I understand what it feels like to have your voice ignored.

“I’ve been the underdog my whole life, and I have a fire in my belly to fight for those who have been forgotten – and Warrington North has been forgotten.

“I’m not a politician; I’m a regular person who’s had enough of self-serving, scandal-ridden politicians making decisions that impact our lives. That’s why I decided to run for office – so our voices can finally be heard.

“I’ve heard from many residents about their dissatisfaction with the Labour council, which is £1.8 billion in debt.

“Parents have shared their frustration about their SEND children being denied funding for specialist school places, while the council prioritises vanity projects over vulnerable children.

“Despite not being an MP yet, I’ve already written a letter advocating on their behalf because I can’t stand injustice. I stand up for others, especially the most vulnerable in our society.”

Yasmin Al-Atroshi

David Crowther, Liberal Democrats

“The people of Warrington North deserve a fairer deal and much more from their MP. They need a strong local voice for the town.

“If I am I am elected I will concentrate on: campaigning for a new local hospital – to be built in the next five years.

“Easier access to GP and dental services when people need them. Valued social care and properly supported carers, paid and unpaid.

“Improved transport across the town including removing toll charges, to encourage traffic flow and benefit public transport which gets caught up in congestion.

“Better community policing and insisting that all burglaries are investigated.

“Tackling the cost-of-living crisis, campaigning for Warrington getting a fairer allocation of Government funding.

“Working to restore the UK’s national environment, including real measures to end the sewage dumping scandal.

“I hope you will join with me.”

David Crowther 

Hannah Spencer, Green Party

“In my current role as a Green Party councillor I’ve been a strong voice for all of the residents that elected me.

“It’s pretty clear we’re going to end up with a Labour Government, and we need Green voices in parliament who can speak up for people and to hold Labour to account.

“I promise to represent people in Warrington North and fight to make life fairer for everyone here.

“We keep seeing the gap between the super rich and all the rest of us get bigger and bigger, and I will call that out. So many people are working hard with barely anything to show for it. Existing rather than living.

“We need a funded insulation programme to get our bills down, we need to fix our crumbling schools, to invest in the NHS and we need to start getting the super rich to pay their way.

“The same old parties keep letting us all down – it’s time for real hope, and real change.”

Hannah Spencer (Photo credit: Matt Priestley) 

Trevor Nicholls, Reform UK

“Growing up in Warrington during the 1970s, I have witnessed the town’s development, first becoming Warrington New Town, and then its further growth into the town which it has become today.

“I understand Warrington: its people, its strengths and its problems.

“I am the only party candidate standing for election in Warrington North who is truly local – ‘born and bred’.

“Warrington North needs a voice in Parliament. A strong voice, a local voice. That voice is mine.

“Reform UK has strong policies at both local and national levels. Policies which I believe are close to most voters’ wishes.

“Warrington North needs Reform UK. Warrington North needs better than it has been given for the last five years, at both national and local level. Better than the Conservative Government and better than the Labour council.

“Vote for a change for the better on July 4.”

Trevor Nicholls 

Maddison Wheeldon, independent

“People in Warrington North feel ignored and let down after 14 years of Tory rule, only to be filled with anxiety and dread that the incoming government is simply going to continue austerity and prioritise private profits over the people that they are supposed to represent.

“We have to reclaim our democracy and put the power to decide policy into the hands of the people who feel the impact.

“Talking with constituents of all leanings, it has become clear to me that it is not the issues that divide us, but the parties and the polarisation that they rely so heavily upon.

“We deserve better than false promises and empty platitudes, Labour will get into government, but you can vote independent for an MP that wants to bring actual change to the lives of all who live here, from day one.”

Maddison Wheeldon