SEVEN parliamentary candidates will battle to become Warrington South MP in the General Election on July 4.

Here is your chance to hear from the politicians aiming to secure victory at the ballot box.

Andy Carter, Conservative

“For four and a half years I’ve had the honour of being your voice in Parliament. My experiences in business and now as a hard-working, local champion mean I get things done and I’m not afraid to say when I don’t agree with decisions being made.

“Labour have put our council at risk of bankruptcy with £1.8 billion debt, I’ve challenged their actions. I’ve acted to protect our precious green belt and stood up for common sense and lower taxes.

“Another Labour MP in Warrington won’t be your voice because they’re not on your side.

READ MORE > All the candidates standing in Warrington North

“I’ve secured more than £450 million investment into Warrington, to support skills and jobs, for better public transport, to fix our roads and to improve public services.

“Today we have record police officers on our streets, every school in Warrington South is now good or outstanding and employment is at a record high. We’re making progress but there’s still much more to do.”

Andy Carter

Sarah Hall, Labour

“Warrington South is my home, it’s where I have lived for over 20 years with my husband, a serving police officer, and where we’re raising our two children.

“Throughout my career I have worked in the public and private sectors and with the voluntary sector.

“Since 2016 I served as a councillor in Bewsey and Whitecross and from 2021 as Warrington’s cabinet member for children and young people, delivering change for our communities.

“Helping people struggling with the cost of living by opening warms hubs, community food initiatives and providing free school uniform. Supporting young people by delivering mental health and special educational needs hubs.

“My real passion has always been to serve our town and fight to improve the lives of local residents.

“While others talk – I act. As your MP I will always fight for Warrington South. I won’t go looking for another seat if times get tough.”

Sarah Hall

Graham Gowland, Liberal Democrat

“I’ve been a local councillor for eight years, dealing with everyday issues. I’m in politics not as a career, but because I know what a positive difference it makes to peoples’ lives.

“I will be a local voice in Westminster, working for a fair deal for Warrington.

“LibDem policies fix the economy with fairer taxes on banks and energy companies, joining the single market, green local jobs, championing the Northern powerhouse, fixing our water (there’s now more sewage in the Mersey than in 40 years).

“We will also deliver a good deal for carers and the NHS. On housing, I understand the difficulties people have and have plans to fix it. Transport needs to be more integrated with affordable fares – I should know, I’m a director for our bus company.

“I need your vote to deliver our fair deal, and to send a message to those in power.”

Graham Gowland

Janet Balfe, Reform UK

“My name is Janet Balfe and I am standing as a parliamentary candidate in Warrington South for Reform UK.

“I have been a member of Reform UK from its inception. I am standing as a Reform UK candidate because I truly believe that they are the only party who can mend a ‘broken Britain’.

“I want to see a country where hard work is rewarded, where young people can get on the property ladder, an NHS that works for all, strong law and order, a return to traditional values and standards in education and tight controls on immigration and our borders.

“The Conservatives have failed us, and Labour will fail us too. We deserve better than this, both nationally and locally.

“I am dedicated to seeing our once Great Britain becoming great again and Warrington South being an integral part of this future.”

Janet Balfe

Steph Davies, Green Party

“I am proud and privileged to stand for the Green Party again in the Warrington South constituency.

“I have substantial experience at both a local and national level and now is the time for real hope and real change in the local political landscape.

“In terms of local policies my priorities for Warrington are: reducing development on green belt and committing to look at the renovation of existing properties, more efficient use of brownfield sites and prioritise social and affordable housing; addressing current and potential future flooding issues, increasing natural and sustainable flood defences and refusing new developments on flood plains, pushing for more and better mental health support, putting an end to mis-investments by Warrington Borough Council, tackling air pollution in the town, looking at more monitoring and potential car free zones and the links between air quality and ill health for local residents. At the same time improving public transport, providing cheaper and more accessible travel options.”

Steph Davies 

Peter Willett, independent

“I have served my country as a soldier and officer, deploying to Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and Belize. I am proud of this country and its values.

“With 22 years of teaching experience, I also serve our local community.

“I recall the turmoil at the end of the last Labour Government. Now, as the Conservative term concludes, we find ourselves in the same predicament, endlessly oscillating between red and blue.

"In the upcoming election for Warrington South, it’s crucial to break free from the traditional Labour and Conservative choices. It’s time for change.

"Voting for an independent candidate offers a refreshing and essential alternative. As an independent, I am unbound by party politics and prioritise Warrington South’s unique needs.

“I bring fresh perspectives and solutions to our community, free from the party agenda. Electing an independent empowers a voice truly committed to our local concerns, fostering more effective decisions. Choose progress and real change for Warrington South by supporting an independent candidate in this election.”

Peter Willett 

The Social Democratic Party’s Graeme Kelly is also standing in Warrington South.

He has been contacted for a comment, but we have not received a statement.