A PUB in Rixton has received a 0-star hygiene rating after the latest inspection carried out by the Food Standards Agency and requires ‘urgent necessary improvement’.

Ye Olde Red Lion Pub, on Manchester Road, was visited by inspectors on May 2, which revealed that the hygiene standards were poor.

Food hygiene ratings are issued by the Food Standards Agency and are publicly available online.

Ratings range from five, very good, to zero, requires urgent improvement.

The Food Standards Agency does not disclose the full reasonings behind the rating but does highlight general areas requiring improvement.

Ye Olde Red Lion Pub, which also received a rating of zero in 2020, was noted to require improvement in the hygienic handling of food including in preparation, cooking, reheating, cooling and storage.

The cleanliness of the pub including ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control were found to need ‘major improvement’.

Finally, the management of food safety was also found to need major improvement, including checks to ensure food sold or served is safe to eat, and that staff know about food safety.

The rating on the Food Standards Agency website can be viewed here.