MEET the talented photographer from Stockton Heath whose pictures of his world travels are capturing the attention of pop stars on Instagram.

Joe Schuster, 25, first discovered his passion for photography during lockdown, when the restrictions led him to begin exploring the streets of his hometown of Warrington.

Discovering various areas of natural beauty and nature around the region, Joe started up his own photography page to captures images of these spaces.

And to fuel a new hobby he craved to tackle the boredom of Covid lockdowns.

Joe has travelled all over the world capturing beautiful scenes with his cameraJoe has travelled all over the world capturing beautiful scenes with his camera (Image: Joe Schuster)
The former Bridgewater High student said: “I made a photography page to show people there’s more to life than sitting at home and it helps more people with mental health just to enjoy the outdoors more, just to see different places.

“I’ve been posting my Warrington photos on a Facebook page called ‘Living in Stockton Heath’, by which I had loads of likes for it and lovely comments.”

Nearing the end of lockdown in 2022, Joe, who also works for Warrington Borough Council, decided he had a travelling itch he needed to scratch.

“I wanted to improve my confidence, just to go out on my own abroad to see different cultures in different places where people haven’t gone before,” Joe continued.

“One of my favourite places was last year in Egypt, to see the Pyramids of Giza and then down the sunset river Nile to see the astonishing temples such as the Walley of the Queens and Abu Simbel in Aswan.

He has featured his travel pictures in a new calendar He has featured his travel pictures in a new calendar (Image: Joe Schuster)
“And my other favourite was the Northern lights in Iceland in February. Traveling is my passion.”

Documenting his travels, Joe captures the beauty of each place he explores, taking beautiful pictures which he posts on social media.

And his incredible scenic images have captured the attention of celebrities on Instagram, with Joe having received likes on pictures from pop stars Rita Ora and Becky Hill.

Taking pride in his work, the photographer explained how he uses his imagination through his creative work to find different camera angles and take a photo in a way others have not done before.

As well as exploring his passion in photography, Joe spoke of his ‘love’ for his day job, working in school kitchens in different primary schools across Warrington.

His love for photography first grew during lockdownHis love for photography first grew during lockdown (Image: Joe Schuster)
“I’ve been working at Warrington Borough Council for five years in school kitchens for primary schools. I really enjoying it at the moment. 

“I love the socialising with my work colleagues and everyone in the team that work very hard to deliver the excellent service to the children and for the schools.”

Two weeks ago, Joe made the decision to begin selling his collection of photography in the form of calendars.

Calendars, featuring incredible pictures of Joes travels across the world, can be purchased through his Instagram page, TikTok page or his Facebook photography page.

The calendars are priced at £15 or £15.80 including postage for those ordering outside of the Warrington area.

Joe ventured to Iceland to witness the Northern LightsJoe ventured to Iceland to witness the Northern Lights (Image: Joe Schuster)
“They’re big portrait excellent high-quality pictures.

“You can cut them out and make them into your frames after the year ends. You can put whatever you like on the notes.

“It’s one of a kind calendar. It’s the places where I’ve been to on my travels.”

If you are interested in purchasing a calendar or looking at Joe’s photography, visit his social media pages: Instagram - Travels with Joe Schuster, TikTok - Travels with Joe Schuster, Facebook page - Joe Schuster photography