COUNCILLORS are set to make a decision on plans for a new house in Penketh.

An outline application proposing the development of one dwellinghouse to ‘create’ a three dwelling terrace, on Heath Road, will come before the development management committee at its meeting on Thursday.

The committee is recommended to approve the application, subject to conditions, with delegated authority given to the development manager to make non-material changes to planning conditions and reasons as may be necessary prior to the issue of the decision

According to a report to the committee, the application site refers to ‘one half of a pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings’ located on a corner plot with the property fronting onto Heath Road and bound by properties on Phythian Crescent to the south – and the existing dwelling is in a ‘prominent location’ and sits within a ‘significant garden plot’ set back from the highway by the front garden.

It adds: “The application is an outline application with the landscaping being the only matter reserved with approval being sought for appearance, layout, access and scale.

“The proposals seek planning permission to build a dwellinghouse to the north elevation of an existing semi-detached pair to create a three dwelling terrace.

“The proposed dwelling would measure 6m in width and have a depth of 11.5m (maximum depth of 12.2m inclusive of the proposed front bay window). The proposals would respect the main rear elevation of the existing pair of semidetached properties at first floor level.

“At the ground floor, a 2.7m projection is proposed beyond the main rear building line, this would not project further than existing outriggers of the adjacent semi-detached properties.

“The existing site comprises parking space for two vehicles. The development proposes to retain two parking spaces for the existing host dwelling which would be provided directly in front of the existing property which currently forms part of a small grassed front garden area which would require a new dropped kerb.

“Further to the creation of two further parking spaces which would be directly in front of the new proposed dwelling. The proposed development would create a three bedroom dwelling. Therefore, the proposals would retain adequate parking provision for a house of this size in accordance with the parking standards SPD (2015).”