APPROVAL has been denied for plans to convert a barbers shop into flats.

Plans had been submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department seeking prior approval consent.

The proposal by applicant Trainer Properties was for a change of use of the building to form four flats.

The property in question is Hux and Co Barbers, located on Green Street near Pink Eye Roundabout.

But planners turned down the application, confirming that prior approval is required and refused.

A planning officer report states: “The proposal site is a mid-terrace shop/dwelling located on an adjacent side road to the Sankey Way-Liverpool Road roundabout.

“The ground floor of the proposal site is currently a shop, and the first floor is residential.

“The proposal is to change the use of the building to dwelling houses, comprising four self-contained apartments.”

No letters of objection or support were submitted by members of the public or councillors.

In refusing permission, the council said: “The transport impacts of the development are unacceptable and would have a detrimental impact on highway safety and amenity.

“This is due to lack of car parking provision, substandard bin and cycle storage, which is inaccessible and impractical.

“The surrounding area includes a mixture of commercial and industrial uses, and there are elevated noise levels in the area.

“The application has not been supported by information to demonstrate that the impact of noise, from commercial and industrial activities in the vicinity, on the amenity of future occupiers would be acceptable.

“Nor to identify whether mitigation may be required to protect both future residential amenity and existing business interests as a result of the proposal.”