A DRUNK who pleaded with her neighbour to sleep with her in the street and grabbed him by the hips as he collected his food shopping delivery has been jailed.

Alison Haughton, 54, was making a commotion in the street when the victim of the sexual assault came out of his address to see her attempting to climb into the vehicle that was delivering his food.

Michael O’Kane, prosecuting for the hearing, said the offence took place on May 6 outside an address in Orford.

He told Warrington Magistrates Court on Wednesday how the neighbour had been alerted to the incident on the street when he was inside his home, hearing the sounds of ‘shouting and swearing’ and glass being ‘smashed against the wall’.

“Him and his partner had been inside the address, and he went out to get his food from the driver and noticed the defendant was trying to enter the vehicle by opening the door,” Mr O’Kane said.

The neighbour shouted ‘what are you doing’ at the defendant who looked at him and suddenly ‘shrieked’ with excitement as if she was happy to see him.

Haughton went over to the man and grabbed him by the hips before saying ‘give me a kiss’.

He replied saying ‘Alison stop’, but her sexual references continued, and it was heard that she grabbed his t-shirt and tried to pull him back towards her.

She said: “If you want me to let go you need to give me a kiss.”

In a bid to create some distance between himself and Haughton, the victim retreated to his address, the court heard.

However, the defendant followed and began pushing against his door trying to enter the property.

He questioned her behaviour, asking ‘what are you doing’, to which Haughton replied, ‘I just love you, but you won’t sh*g me’.

Mr O’Kane added that the defendant continued to ‘suggest that they have sex’ before leaving to sit on a wall where she began to cry.

The dialogue continued between the pair, with the offender stating that she ‘just wanted to walk in a straight line, like a line of cocaine’.

In a police interview following the sexual assault, the victim told officers he thought Haughton was suffering with her mental health at the time of the incident.

“He said the sexual comments were completely unwanted. He said there was another incident where she had made sexual comments towards him,” the prosecutor explained.

Haughton was also being sentenced for three further charges of assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage.

These offences took place on January 2 this year, when the defendant was on bail and staying over at the Patten Arms Hotel on Parker Street in Warrington town centre.

Police officers had been called to the address after staff had made a 999 call, stating that Haughton had been ‘abusive’ and had caused damage to a fire alarm on the premises.

Mr O’Kane told the court that officer PC Hand had attended the hotel and went into the defendant’s room, noticing two bottles of Jack Daniels whiskey on the side as he walked in.

Haughton was slurring her words, the officer recalled, and he told her she had to leave the premises.

She refused to leave, saying to the officer, ‘I am 53, you are a kid’ before telling him he could ‘have the lot’ referring to her two bottles of whiskey, which she proceeded to pour down the sink.

“She slapped the officer on the left arm. She leant into the double bed and kicked the officer in the chest,” the prosecutor added.

The defendant fell to the floor but continued to hit and kick out at the officer.

He picked her up and placed her onto the bed, where she then propositioned him, asking ‘do you want to have sex?’.

She continued to be abusive to PC Hand and PC Davy, the officer that accompanied him, calling them d*ck heads and pr*cks.

PC Davy then tried to detain Haughton, leading to her attempting to bite him.

She was eventually arrested and taken to the police station.

The damage she caused to the fire alarm amounted to the sum of £153.60.

Haughton denied all charges but was convicted following a trial.

Her defence, Simon Dunn, explained to the magistrate’s bench that prior to 2023, his client had a clear record of no offending, but following a ‘difficult divorce’ began to have a problem with alcohol abuse which led to the beginning of her offending.

Offences over the last year have included criminal damage, threatening behaviour and the assault of an emergency worker.

Haughton appeared before the courts on a CVP link from HMP Styal, where she had been remanded for five weeks prior. She had to be muted due to comments made during the hearing.

Concluding the hearing, chair of the bench, Sandra Jane Verity, sentenced the defendant to a total of 38 weeks in prison for the offences of common assault, assault by beating and sexual assault.

She will have to pay a victim surcharge of £187 and was ordered to report to a police station upon her release to sign onto the sex offender register for 12 months.

A seven-year restraining order was put in place restricting her from making contact with the victim.