A DISQUALIFIED driver was caught out after officers noticed he kept looking at them in their police vehicle.

Officers became suspicious so carried out checks on the vehicle which revealed that the car was insured under a woman’s name.

When they pulled the driver, Thomas Morley over, he admitted he was a disqualified driver.

The vehicle belonged to his partner who was in the passenger seat.

Morley, of Lander Close, Old Hall, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Monday after pleading guilty to breaching a suspended sentence order, driving without insurance and driving while disqualified.

Prosecuting, Catherine Ellis said that the offences happened on March 22 this year when the defendant was driving on Fitzherbert Street in Orford.

Ms Ellis said that by committing these offences, it meant that the 32-year-old was in breach of a suspended sentence order which was imposed in December last year for possessing with intent to supply cannabis.

She said that the defendant has a number of previous convictions, mainly for driving and drug offences.

Defending, Megan Cox said that her client has made it ‘very clear’ that he is sorry for the offences and that it was a ‘lapse in judgement’ on both his and his partner’s behalf.

She said that Morley chose to take over the driving from his partner due to her ill health.

Ms Cox said that if Morley were to be handed a prison sentence, this would mean he and his partner would be taken off the list for fertility treatment.

Concluding, Judge Charlotte Crangle said: “You expressed how disappointed you are in yourself in finding yourself back here less than six months after last time you were here.

“I do bear in mind the circumstances in which you chose to get behind the wheel.

“I accept it was a spur of the moment thing.”

Due to the progress Morley has made under his current order and him showing high compliance and motivation, he was handed a 12-month community order.

As part of this, he is subjected from a curfew of 9pm to 9am and must complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also handed six points on his licence, with the disqualification ending in December 2025.