CHILDREN are ‘kind, resilient and motivated to learn’ at pre-school in Old Hall, according to an official report.

Ofsted inspectors observed staff at Old Hall Pre- School & Link Club to be ‘nurturing’ and ‘attentive’ following an inspection on May 9.

During a praising report, the education watchdogs stated that children at the pre-school, based on the site of Westbrook Old Hall Primary School, are encouraged to manage their ‘big feelings’ and show a strong sense of independence.

The report began: “Staff provide nurturing, attentive care, which encourages children to manage their 'big feelings'.

“Children approach staff for cuddles, to ask for help to resolve problems and to proudly share their achievements.

“Children are happy coming to the nursery and enjoy their time here. Staff help children to know the rules and learn why they are important.”

Meanwhile the staff were highly praised for planning engaging activities based on the interests of the children.

“For example, when children show an interest in babies, a baby clinic is set up with opportunities to weigh dolls and to 'write' prescriptions. As a result, all children make good progress while being highly motivated to learn.”

Mathematics was said to be ‘expertly weaved’ into everyday routines including snack time and staff ask questions to provoke their thinking on this subject.

It was also said that the pre-school plans a ‘broad range’ of experiences for the children to enjoy.

“Following a fire engine visit, children build their own vehicle from milk crates, tyres and hoses. Staff support children's creativity and a wide vocabulary as they enjoy their role-play rescue.

“Children gain a good understanding of the world around them through the activities that staff plan.”

Meal and snack times were observed as being ‘calm’ and ‘enjoyable’ and in promoting their independence, the children cut up fruit themselves using safety knives.

The report added: “Staff teach children to keep themselves healthy. Children drink water throughout the day and learn about oral health, such as with daily toothbrushing.

“Staff talk to children about the benefits of the healthy food they eat.”

To read the entire report visit