A BIKE riding drug dealer was likened to an ice cream van in a bizarre court analogy.

Christopher Beck was said to have been supplying cannabis in a Warrington village to ‘anyone who wanted it’.

The 33-year-old was also warned of the health issues and crime the illegal drug causes, but he was spared an immediate jail term.

He appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Friday to be sentenced, having pleaded guilty preciously to a charge of possession with intent to supply cannabis.

The prosecution, led by Paul Blasbery, spoke of how the offending came to light after being noticed by a Cheshire Police officer on duty in Culcheth on October 26, 2022.

Their attention was drawn to the defendant, who was riding a bicycle and had a strong smell of cannabis.

The officer tried to stop Beck, and while unsuccessful at first, they eventually detained and searched him.

This revealed he was in possession of a number of bags of cannabis and some loose cannabis, as well as a set of scales, a grinder, some empty snap bags, a mobile phone, and £455.50 in cash.

There were 48 separate bags in total, with the 54.8 grammes of cannabis having an estimated street value of £550.

The defendant was arrested and taken to a local police station, while a search was also conducted of a shed he owned.

Inside the shed, officers found more loose cannabis spread over some DJ decks.

During his police interview, Beck claimed that the cannabis found on him was for his own personal use, and that he was in possession of the snap bags as he did not want to ‘throw them onto the street’ and would rather reuse them.

Beck was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court

Beck was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court

He claimed the cash on him was for a job two weeks prior, but the court heard that he was also in receipt of Universal Credit benefits.

The defendant added that the shed was his ‘smoking area’ where he would go to smoke cannabis.

Mr Blasbery informed the court that Beck has one previous conviction for one offence of possessing cannabis back in 2012.

He also stated that the defendant was playing a ‘significant role’ in the supply of the controlled class B drug.

Recorder Peter Cowan, presiding over the case, said: “You were clearly the local cannabis supplier in Culcheth, going around on your bike, almost like an ice cream van, supplying cannabis to anyone who wanted it.

“The possession of cannabis is a criminal offence, and you should not be using it at all. I hope your arrest for this offence was a wake-up call to you.”

He added that cannabis causes ill health and breeds satellite crime among those who break the law to feed their habit to the addictive drug.

But he concluded: “The offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be passed. However, in all the circumstances, I am able to suspend the sentence.

Beck, of Hawthorne Avenue in Woolston, was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for 12 months.

During this time, he must also complete 25 rehabilitation activity requirement says and pay £500 in costs – a ‘drop in the ocean’ compared to the true cost of prosecuting, Recorder Cowan added.

The court approved orders for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and drug paraphernalia, and to deprive Beck of his mobile phone.

Recorder Cowan also approved a request for the forfeiture of the £455.50 in cash, which will be donated to the court’s charity of the month.