A WARRINGTON primary school has been given a prestigious award for its efforts in encouraging pupils to live a simple and sustainable lifestyle.

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary were awarded the Live Simply Award recently by the Catholic international development charity, CAFOD.

Deputy head teacher at the school, Jane Laverack, expressed her pride for the school’s latest achievements.

She said: “As a school we are so proud to have been awarded the Live Simply Award.

“This award is championed by the Catholic international development charity. It recognises schools and parishes that pledge to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.

“Our school has embraced a holistic approach to live simply and the pupils here have demonstrated their commitment through a range of activities.”

Ms Laverack detailed some of the activities involved in the programme including the pupils learning to take care of the environment and sending prayers to the local and global communities.

As well as the school making a series of pledges throughout the year to demonstrate how to live a more ‘simple life’.

One of these pledges included raising an impressive £5,000 that was donated to The Dreamland Mission Hospital in Kenya.

“We are so proud of how hard the children and staff have worked to achieve this award and we will continue to strive towards a simple life and continue to support and live in solidarity with the world’s poor as is our Christian duty and privilege,” Ms Laverack added.