A HISTORIC village tradition returned to the streets of Appleton Thorn today, Saturday.

Even the rain managed to hold off – just about – for Bawming the Thorn.

Primary school pupils, pre-schoolers, Rainbows, and Brownies were among those taking part in today’s event.

Crowds gathered to watch the procession leave Appleton Thorn Primary School before year six pupils headed to thorn tree which they then danced around.

This was accompanied by a special performance from the choir.

The thorn tree is believed to be an offshoot of the Glastonbury Thorn, which was grown from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea.

Adam de Dutton, a knight of the Crusades, brought it to Appleton.

Bawming, which means decorating, involves adorning it with flowers and ribbons – with the village being the only place in England to hold such a tradition.

Here are 12 of our favourite pictures captured today by our photographer Dave Gillespie:

The 1st Appleton Thorn Rainbows

The 1st Appleton Thorn Rainbows

Bawming the Thorn 2024

Bawming the Thorn 2024

Appleton Thorn Preschool youngster Olivia Chesworth-Bowler with her teacher Molly

Appleton Thorn Preschool youngster Olivia Chesworth-Bowler with her teacher Molly

Appleton Thorn Primary School Preschool took part in the procession

Appleton Thorn Primary School Preschool took part in the procession

Preschooler Fox Munro

Preschooler Fox Munro

1st Appleton Thorn Brownies ready to go

1st Appleton Thorn Brownies ready to go

Knight William Cartledge and Page Arnie Twistt

Knight William Cartledge and Page Arnie Twistt

Year six pupils before their dance

Year six pupils before their dance

Dad and daughter Darren and Erin Curryer

Dad and daughter Darren and Erin Curryer

The procession leaving Appleton Thorn Primary School

The procession leaving Appleton Thorn Primary School

Appleton Thorn Primary School head teacher Zoe Jones

Appleton Thorn Primary School head teacher Zoe Jones