A SELECT group of pupils passionate about literature are making a Warrington school ‘proud’ as they regularly read extracts from their favourite books to elderly people within the community.

Students from Culcheth High School joined the Silver Readers initiative one year ago and are celebrating the milestone of joining what has evolved to be a heart-warming charity-based project.

The initiative allows pupils from schools who have a love of reading, to read chosen extracts from their favourite books to older citizens.

A spokesperson for Culcheth High School said: “Silver Stories is a charity-based project that aims to provide enriching reading experiences for young people by connecting them with older members of the community.

“Students, ‘Silver Readers’, make weekly contact over the telephone with older citizens ‘Silver Listeners’ and share a short extract from a book or poem.”

The latest reading volunteer from the school, year 8 pupil Billy McLinden, has expressed his excitement at getting the chance to meet for the first time with his Silver Listener and has already chosen a passage he is keen to read.

“To acknowledge the one-year anniversary as a school participating in Silver Stories, the charity has sent us some special badges for the students to keep,” the school added.

“This is to recognise their hard work and commitment, reading to senior listeners each week and brightening their day.

“Silver Readers at CHS are making the school very proud, and are wonderful ambassadors of the school.”