PROPOSALS for a new ‘school street’ to improve road safety are being recommended for approval.

At its meeting next Wednesday, the traffic committee will consider two written objections and two letters of support relating to the proposal to introduce a ‘school street’ project as part of the ongoing focus on improving safety within the immediate vicinity of St Philip Westbrook CofE Primary School.

It is being recommended that members approve the proposed measures.

The measures are to remove through traffic outside the school during the busiest time periods around school drop off and pick up, according to a report to the committee.

Subject to the committee’s resolution, the associated works will be funded from the 2024-25 revenue allocation for traffic regulation orders at an approximate cost of £1,500.

Furthermore, in a regulatory report, it says the measures are to remove through traffic outside the school during the busiest time periods around school drop off and pick up and encourage the journey to school to be made by ‘other more sustainable modes of transport when possible’.

It adds: “As part of the ongoing focus on improving safety within the immediate vicinity of St Philip Westbrook CofE Primary School it has been agreed with the school that a ‘school street’ will be promoted.

“A ‘school street’ will effectively prohibit motor vehicles from entering Westbrook Centre and travelling eastbound and from the junction of Westbrook Centre (north-south section) and Westbrook Centre from travelling westbound.

“The scheme will operate outside St Philip Westbrook CofE Primary School; Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am to 8:55am and 2:55pm to 3:30pm to cover the morning and afternoon pick up periods and during term-time only.

“The scheme is enforced by using temporary barriers deployed by school staff at the entry points to the road, and at the exit to the Odeon Cinema car park to prevent any vehicles turning right towards the school. School staff have negotiated an agreement with the Odeon Cinema for the car park to be used by parents and carers.

“New gateway signs will indicate the restricted area and the street effectively becomes a pedestrian and cycling zone during the indicated hours of operation due to the prohibition of motor vehicles. School staff will be trained on the deployment of the temporary barriers within the carriageway prior to the operation hours.

“Parents are actively encouraged to use the side car park at the cinema and cross the road using a zebra crossing. The additional distance for vehicular traffic to travel while the barriers are in place is negligible.”