A TEENAGER from Great Sankey is hoping to raise £5,000 to be able to take part in an expedition to Kenya in order to ‘help others’.

Jamie Leicester, 15, first heard about the trip through an email sent out by Great Sankey High School, where he is a student.

The expedition, which is organised by Camps International, will see students fly to Kenya to construct community buildings, construct elephant deterrent fences and deworm animals.

“I thought it would be something good to do in the summer, and that it would be good to help people,” said Jamie.

“It will be good to know I’m actually helping people that are not as fortunate as people here.”

The trip is due to take place next summer, giving Jamie plenty of time to fundraise the £5,000 needed to pay for flights, vaccinations, food and travel insurance.

To help reach his goal, Jamie has been selling things through car boot sales and painting bags with animal designs to sell.

In the first six weeks of fundraising, the 15-year-old managed to raise £1,000 and has since reached £1,800, with £235 being donated to his Go Fund Me page.

“It feels good because it means they’ve helped me towards helping other people, which is nice,” he said.

Jamie will also be completing a hike up Snowdon in October with four other students, Bedarra Bennett, Zach Prashar, Jack Longworth and Connor Clayton, as part of fundraising for the trip.

“I’m very proud of him,” said Jamie’s mum, Alison.

“When I heard about the trip, I didn’t think it would be something he would want to do, so I’m just very proud he does want to do it.”