STUDENTS across Warrington will have the chance to take part in a mock trial to win an award for their school.

Cheshire Magistrates in the Community is a dedicated team of magistrates who sit in courts across Cheshire and aim to educate the public on the role of magistrates, engage with young people across Cheshire to better understand the justice system and work with local communities.

It has organised the event for year six students from primary schools across Warrington where they can take on the roles of magistrates, prosecutor, defence, usher, defendant, witnesses, court artist and court reporter.

The competition will involve each school playing either defence or prosecution roles in a scripted trial of an alleged harassment case.

Oughtrington Primary School, Statham Primary School, Barrow Hall Primary School and Woolston Primary School will be taking part in this year's competition.

“The mock trial competitions were a regular part of our year previously, but with retirements, the responsibility has been passed to me, so we’re very excited to offer this opportunity to the primary schools around Warrington” said organiser, Paula Jones.

The mock trial competition will take place on Wednesday, June 19 from 9.30am until 2.30pm at Cheshire Museum of Policing, on Arpley Street.

“We are delighted to also use the old magistrates’ courts above the Cheshire Museum of Policing, which ass a sense of reality to the competition, so we’re most grateful to the Museum for accommodating us, and also their enthusiasm and support to host the competition there,” said Paula.

Students will be marked on their understanding of their roles, how well they perform in court and on any unscripted role-play as part of the formatted mock trial.

The winning school will be awarded a shield to display, and each participant will receive a certificate of attendance.

There will also be an opportunity for a student to win Best Individual Performer for each school.

Awards for the court artist and court reporter will be delivered in person by the organiser and liaison Magistrate at the school’s assembly at the end of the summer term.