A DRINK-driver who crashed into another vehicle has been sentenced by the courts.

Paul Brookman got behind the wheel of a car while almost three times the legal drink-drive limit.

The 47-year-old was then involved in an accident.

He was subsequently charged with drink-driving and failing to stop after an accident, to which he pleaded guilty, with the case adjourned for sentenced at Warrington Magistrates’ Court.

Details of the offending were given by prosecutor Michael O'Kane, who explained that the crimes were committed on March 10.

Brookman was driving a Ford Fiesta on Cleveland Road in Orford when he was involved in an accident, causing damage to a Ford Transit van, but he failed to stop.

A breath test was later carried out and he produced a reading of 100 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of his breath.

This was almost three times the legal limit of 35 micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath.

Magistrates felt that the case was severe enough for a community penalty and imposed unpaid work.

Brookman, of Chiltern Road in Orford, was sentenced to a 12-month community order.

This will include 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work, and he was disqualified from driving for 28 months.

In addition, the court imposed costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 and a statutory surcharge to fund victim services of £114.