A FOOD challenge expert has heaped praise on a Warrington eatery which he describes as a ‘real gem’.

Bob Shoudt, who eats under the name ‘Notorious B.O.B’, has been completing epic eating tasks for a quarter of a century.

The competitive eater holds numerous world records and has been ranked as high as number two in the world.

The American recently visited England to take on the country’s biggest and best food offerings – with research taking him to Café at the End of the Universe.

The challenge consists of 42 ‘galactically delicious’ items – a bacon double cheeseburger, K9 hotdog, 20 boneless BBQ and chipotle wings, 10 onion rings, six jalapeno poppers, three corn dogs and a large serving of fries.

Driving his visit to Warrington Market, he took on the business’ food challenge and filmed how it went for his popular YouTube channel.

“I spent two months researching eating challenges all over England,” Bob told the Warrington Guardian.

“I wanted to plan out a trip where I could attempt two challenges per day. I also wanted ones that were interesting to eat.

“After much research and watching hundreds of YouTube videos, I settled on a set schedule and visited Café at the End of the Universe on the fourth day of the trip.”

The Cafe at the End of the Universe food challenge

The Cafe at the End of the Universe food challenge

Bob says he ate a large breakfast challenge earlier that day, with the Warrington Market challenge being his eighth of his trip.

“The owner Andy Kinsella and all of his staff were very welcoming. All were top notch and immediately treated us like family they hadn't seen for years,” he continued

“When the challenge came out, I knew I had made the right choice in selecting Café. The food looked delicious, and each item was something I would order if I was going out to eat.

“This type of challenge is my favourite kind of the more than 1,000 challenges I have attempted – it was all just normal food that they sell every day, but a lot of it.

“Typically, restaurants try to take a food item and make it many times larger, for example a big burger, and sell them once a month but truly do not understand how to cook that big of an item.

“Not here at Café. This was all very tasty food – a sheer joy to eat when you are attempting 20 challenges in one trip.”

When Bob took on the task, the challenge had not been defeated in more than two years and 25 consecutive attempts.

Among them was former Warrington Guardian community reporter Tom Bedworth, who was one of many with eyes bigger than his belly.

“Andy said that no one had come close to finishing in that time as it is deceptively big,” Bob explained.

Da Garbage Disposal and Notorious B.O.B after completing the challenge

Da Garbage Disposal and Notorious B.O.B after completing the challenge

“My travelling mate Brandon ‘Da Garbage Disposal’ Clark and I were both able to defeat it, and I was able to set a new record.

Bob said he didn’t race the challenge, instead taking his time and actually enjoying the food, calling on his vast experience doing challenges for the past 25 years.

“My ‘neat eating’ style makes it harder to eat fast than other people's eating styles. I eat as if my wife is sitting across the table with me,” Bob said.

“I eat the food as it is presented to me. I don't tear it apart, smash it up, dunk food into liquids, wear gloves, pick up items with my hands like individual beef patties and jam food into my mouth.

“I use utensils and eat like a normal person, just a lot more food. At 57 years old, I am way too old not to enjoy and respect the food that the restaurant worked hard to prepare.”

He added: “Overall, this was one of the best tasting and best overall challenges that I did in England.

“I don't often say this, but I wanted to let you know that you have a real gem in Warrington.”

If you want to see Bob in action, visit youtube.com/notoriousbob