ANDY Carter has confirmed that he will stand for re-election for the Conservative party in Warrington South.

He won the seat from Labour’s Faisal Rashid during the 2019 General Election with 28,187 votes – a share of 45.5 per cent – while Mr Rashid received 26,177 votes and a share of 42.3 per cent.

However, since then, changes have taken place surrounding constituency boundaries, with Lymm moving from Warrington South to Tatton.

In May last year, Mr Carter said he did not intend to seek re-adoption as the prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Tories in the constituency at the next General Election – which has since been scheduled for July 4.

It was revealed in October last year that he had been shortlisted to become the Tory candidate for the new Waveney Valley seat on the Suffolk-Norfolk border, but he missed out on being selected.

He was also on the shortlist for Flyde in Lancashire last week but was overlooked.

However, with a month to go and with no Conservative candidate being named for Warrington South, he has confirmed a u-turn and that he will seek re-election in the constituency.

In a statement, he said: “I hadn’t planned to stand at this General Election, however it came earlier than I had expected, and I have been overwhelmed by the messages and calls I have had from local people asking me to re-consider the decision I had taken almost 12 months ago.

“They have seen me working hard for the last four-and-a-half years as an active member of Parliament, that I am approachable and willing to stand up for local people in a way that others haven’t in the past.

“So, I will be putting my name forward and I will be on the ballot paper as the Conservative Parliamentary candidate on July 4.”

He continued: “There are still many more things I would like to change, and improvements we need to see in the town, so I will be continuing to campaign for better healthcare facilities, more visible policing and improvements to our local transport network to cut congestion across Warrington, and make it easier and cheaper to get about.

“National security, energy security and food security are top issues.

“At this election I want residents to have the choice, to be able pick someone who cares deeply about this area, has had a career outside of politics and knows about life in the real world.

“Someone who knows how to get things done, has the experience of working in Westminster and Warrington, will champion local businesses and is not afraid to stand up and say when they don’t agree with decisions being made.

“No other candidate demonstrates all of these skills and commitments, and I hope people will do me the honour of re-electing me as their member of Parliament."

Also standing in Warrington South will be Stephanie Davies for the Greens, Graham Gowland for the Liberal Democrats and Sarah Hall for Labour. Candidates have until 4pm on Friday to confirm their candidacy.