A COMPLEX needs hub model could ‘produce a cost avoidance into the millions’, according to a report.

At its meeting on Monday, the council’s cabinet is recommended to approve the implementation of the complex needs hub model.

A report to cabinet says children’s services, in the families and wellbeing directorate, have been ‘working extensively’ with colleagues across the growth directorate, as well as Cheshire & Merseyside ICB and Merseycare, to extend the ‘quality and sufficiency’ of supported and specialist accommodation within the borough to better meet the needs of its cohort of young people aged 12+ with complex mental health and emotional needs.

It also highlights that the capital funding to renovate two semi-detached properties, on Catterall Avenue, was brought to cabinet in September 2023 and was approved for progression.

This property renovation work is to be 50/50 match-funded by the Department for Education children’s home funding programme and construction work started on-site on April 15 following ‘much planning’, and the agreement of the construction tenders.

Children’s services now ‘seek permission from cabinet to prepare a budget’ for the revenue costs so that recruitment ‘can start to take place in earnest, given the tough employment market for social care posts currently’.

The cabinet is recommended to approve the implementation of the complex needs hub model.

The total predicted cost for the implementation in terms of revenue costs – staffing and running costs – is £1.2 million in year one (part year) and £1.9 million in year two, 2025-26.

“This is to be split 50/50 with ICB and has already been approved by Cheshire & Merseyside ICB – Warrington Place,” says the report to cabinet.

“There may also be a smaller separate request for education support for a teacher/tutor(s) within the hub for circa £100k pa. The reason for this recommendation, is it will allow the partner agencies to work together to provide more targeted, appropriate support for the young people the hub will help, thus leading to better outcomes for those individuals.

“Over time, it is predicted it will also, if successful, produce a cost avoidance into the millions for both partners, if trends in relation to costs continue to spiral uncontrollably in this space, which all predictions suggest they will.”