A MUM with a ‘criminal career of violence’ hit a man on the back of the head with a glass inside a pub in Warrington.

The victim’s head immediately gushed with blood following the incident and he was left with a ‘deep wound’.

It wasn’t the first time that Linda Gresley-Jones has attacked someone. She has a lengthy criminal record with 29 convictions for 69 offences – a large majority of which are of a violent nature, including dragging a teenager down the street by her hair.

The 48-year-old appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Monday after pleading guilty to unlawful wounding.

Prosecuting, Paul Blasberry said the incident happened on July 15 last year after the defendant was in The Lower Angel on Buttermarket Street after picking up a puppy.

Mr Blasberry said that Gresley-Jones’ ex-partner was at the venue and that he and Gresley-Jones got into ‘some sort of confrontation’ which resulted in the man throwing alcohol at the defendant before turning around to walk out of the pub.

The court heard in a statement from a member of staff at the pub that Gresley-Jones then threw the contents of a pint glass at him before ‘cracking the glass down’ on the back of his head.

Another witness said they saw Gresley-Jones raise her arm above her head while holding the pint glass and hit the victim in a ‘downward action’.

Liverpool Crown Court was told how the glass shattered and that a ‘large, deep wound’ could immediately be seen to the back of the victim’s head, which had blood gushing from it.

The victim did not support police officers with the case so the actual nature of his injuries are unknown.

Mr Blasberry said that Gresley-Jones has a number of previous convictions for assault, including one where she dragged a 14-year-old girl down the street by her hair.

He also revealed that the defendant received a term of imprisonment in 2007 for a wounding offence.

Defending, Gareth Roberts said: “Ms Gresley-Jones has pleaded guilty to what she recognises and acknowledges is a very serious offence.

“She knows what she did was wrong and she is ashamed.”

Mr Roberts said that since the offence, Gresley-Jones has been on a detox from alcohol, although she was sober at the time of the attack.

He said that she has been working on rehabilitating herself and has a job offer which will be the first proper job she has had in her whole life.

The court also heard how following the prison sentence the defendant served back in 2007, she did not commit any further offences for a significant period of time.

Concluding, recorder Tania Griffiths KC said: “This is not the first time you have been involved in the commission of a violent offence.”

The judge acknowledged the ‘difficulties’ in Gresley-Jones’ upbringing that she said led her to lead an ‘angry and chaotic life’.

She said that she did not want to set the defendant up to fail, so balanced the sentence with both 'support and punishment'.

Gresley-Jones received a nine-month prison sentence suspended for two years and must complete an alcohol treatment programme.

“Hopefully you will lose your anger and start living the rest of your life without violence, without alcohol and without explosive anger,” recorder Griffiths said.

“Take this chance, you will not get another.”